My new exhibition "Floating Between the Tropical and Glacial Zones" is opening on 13th January until 7th February. https://www.tokyoartsandspace.jp/.../2021/20210109-7022.html
Today, global issues related to the natural environment, such as global warming, are attracting the attention of many people across national borders. These problems are not only linked to the scientific aspects of the ecosystems of a certain region but also its political and economic aspects. It is even having a
significant impact on the current trend of the art world.
This project is a joint research-production project organized by Yoichi KAMIMURA, an artist who has been investigating drift ice in the Sea of Okhotsk and producing works in collaboration with Hokkaido University, and curator Seiha KUROSAWA, who has done field research on the natural environment
and culture of the Amazon region in Brazil.
Nowadays, environmental changes occurring in places that are considered to be 'extremely far regions' from urban life are heading towards a both metaphorical and physical 'heat' that involves the global ecosystem and our reality.
This project combines the research results obtained from two seemingly opposite subjects: drift ice in the Sea of Okhotsk and the tropical rainforest of the Amazon. By using the contrast between 'coldness' and 'heat', and by combining the two, this exhibition aims to present a new perspective of our environment.
*This project was adopted as one of the 4 projects in the exhibition section from
the 161 applications submitted from Japan and overseas in the "OPEN SITE"
open call program of Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS).
Exhibition period: 9 January (Sat)― 7 February (Sun), 2021 Closed: 1/12, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1 *Temporary closure on 1/9(Sat.) - 1/11(Mon.) due to COVID-19 Venue: Tokyo Art and Space (TOKAS) Hongo (Space B) 〒113-0033 2-4-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Time: 11:00-19:00 Organizer: Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, the Art Program and Residency Division of MOT Grant: Tokyo University of the Arts, I LOVE YOU project 2020 Support: HB.Nezu, The 5th Floor Co-curator: Yuu TAKAGI